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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Countries without Facebook domination

Do you think Facebook is the top website in the world? Or are you a stubborn old businessman that still thinks that Facebook i just for the young hip people in US? Well, according to The pingdom team there is only 13 countries in the world where Facebook is not in the top 5 most visited websites. And which are these countries? I think some of them are quite obvious.

The countries where Facebook is not dominating:

Countries without Facebook domination
Countries without Facebook domination
The 13 countries are mostly Asian, plus some in Europe, and then Brazil.
The full list is here: (The number represents the position that Facebook is. For example, in Latvia Facebook is the 8:th biggest site.)
  • China - Blocked
  • Iran - 26
  • Japan – 15
  • Belarus - 11
  • Russia - 10
  • Brazil 8 -
  • Kyrgyzstan - 8
  • Latvia - 8
  • Ukraine – 8
  • Kazakhstan - 7
  • Vietnam - 7
  • Poland - 6
  • Moldova - 6

Are you surprised?

I am not surprised that Facebook is blocked in China. And I am not surprised that Facebook has a low user-amount in the middle east and old Soviet countries. But I am quite surprised about Japan and Brazil. In Japan, one of the most high tec countries in the world, Facebook is the 26:th biggest site? Probably they have some own communities over there. Brazil, on the other hand is one of the fastest growing economies, that gets higher and higher life standards, education and wealth all the time, there Facebook is only the 8:th biggest site.

In every other country Facebook dominates.

The users were measured in 130 countries with high online-penetration. And only in 13 countries Facebook were not top five. In every “western-country”, North America, Europe and Australia Facebook rules. You still think that your business should not be on Facebook?
I bet you like these posts as well:
  1. World war 2 on Facebook. Historical facebook-updates 2
  2. Historical facebook-updates
See more articles in the category: Facebook tricks


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